Who’s the Real Source of Opposition

When you face opposition because of your faith, you need to recognize the source of the opposition. It’s not other people. It’s not your coworkers. It’s not a political party. It’s not some other nation or religion. It’s not a competitor. The pressure you feel to cave in or be quiet or sit down when you should stand up, that pressure is not coming from other people. It’s really coming from Satan. In Revelation 12:10 Satan is called “the accuser of the Christians.” His number one job is to put you down. There is an unseen spiritual battle going on all around you. This pressure to keep you from doing the right thing is not really coming from other people. They’re just weapons. Most of the time they don’t even know they’re being used. The real issue is spiritual warfare. Ephesians 6:12 says, “We are not fighting against human beings but against the wicked spiritual forces in the heavenly world” (TEV). Satan knows it’s stupid to attack Jesus Christ direc...