Generosity Leads to Joy

You make a living by what you get. You leave a legacy by what you give.

Jesus said in Acts 20:35, “There is more happiness in giving than in receiving” (TEV). I’ve always loved that verse because it’s so honest. Does Jesus say there’s no happiness in receiving? No. There is happiness in receiving. But Jesus says there’s more happiness in giving.

That’s the exact opposite of the way the world thinks. Most of the world thinks there’s more happiness in getting. But Jesus does not think like the world. He knows that you are most like Him when you aren't giving, and that produces joy.

When people visit Saddleback Church, they notice that it’s a joyful church. Do you know why? Because it’s a generous church. People love to give! And when we’re generous, it results in joy. It feels good to give.

Do you want your family to be more joyful? Then be more generous as a family. Do you want to be a more joyful person? Then be more generous as a person.

Talk It Over

  • When was a time you were happier to give something than receive it?
  • What are some other characteristics of a joyful person?
  • How can you be more generous as a family?

~ Written by: Rick Warren ~
~ Modified by: Oleg Fabyanchuk ~


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