Confused? Remember God’s Promises

It’s hard to imagine how the disciples felt on the Saturday before Jesus’ Resurrection and the day after His Resurrection. They had watched their Messiah, the Son of God, crucified by the Romans. They had seen Him raise the dead and heal the blind. They knew Jesus could have come down off the cross. But He didn’t. Imagine the grief, fear, and regret that went through their minds that Saturday. We’ve all been there. Confusion often follows days of terrible tragedy. So how do you deal with days of confusion? You remember the promises of God. Never doubt in the dark what God shows you in the light. When you go through difficult times, the natural response is to throw everything up in the air and let all your plans go down the toilet. But that’s the last thing you should do. Right before His crucifixion, Jesus gave His disciples an important promise to focus on during the difficult days to follow. He said, “Now is your time of grief, but I will see...