Keep Your Mind on What Is Unseen

Everything you see around you is temporary. The building you’re in, the computer or phone you’re staring at, and even your body will one day disappear from existence. Yet it’s what you can’t see around you that’ll last forever. 
And it’s those realities that truly matter.
The Bible tells us in 2 Corinthians 4:18, “Things that are seen don’t last forever, but things that are not seen are eternal. That’s why we keep our minds on the things that cannot be seen” (CEV).
Spiritual realities are more real than physical ones. We need to focus on the spiritual ones — what’s really real. I mentioned a few days ago the five specific spiritual realities all of us need to take to heart. Let’s get more specific about them.
  • God made you to love you. (Jeremiah 31:3) God made you to love you, and He wants you to learn to love Him back. This is the most important reality of life. 
  • You were made to last forever. (Ecclesiastes 3:11) One day your heart will stop beating, but that won’t be the end of your body — and it certainly won’t be the end of you. 
  • God has prepared two eternal places. Both Heaven and Hell are real, literal places. They’re not just “states of being.” 
  • You get to choose where you’ll spend eternity. You won’t accidentally find yourself in Hell one day. You’ll be there because you chose it or refused to choose Jesus and spend forever with Him in Heaven. If you choose to make Jesus the boss of your life, you’ll spend eternity with Him in Heaven. If you choose to reject Him, you’ll spend forever in Hell. You have no middle option. 
  • You get no second chances to make your choice. Your choice has a time limit. You have your entire life to make the decision, but you never know when your time on Earth is over. You can’t change your mind after death. 
Nothing matters more than eternal realities. What you do with these five truths will not only alter your eternal destiny; it will also transform how you live on this side of eternity.
Talk It Over
  • If spiritual realities are more real than physical ones, why do we tend to focus on physical realities?
  • When you read that “you get no second chances to make your choice” on where you’ll spend eternity, how important do you think the choice is that you make?
  • How will understanding these realities change how you live on a daily basis?
~ Written by: Rick Warren ~
~ Modified by: Oleg Fabyanchuk ~


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