The Work That Makes You Happiest Is for God’s Kingdom

Meaning matters more than money. When you get to Heaven, God isn’t going to ask you, “How much money did you make?” He’s going to ask, “Did you make your life count? Did you express the talents that I gave you?”

The Bible says in 1 Peter 4:10“God has given each of you some special abilities; be sure to use them to help each other, passing on to others God’s many kinds of blessings” (TLB).

That means the best work for you is the work that best expresses your talent. God has wired every one of us to do something different. The reason we all like to do different things is so everything gets done.

We were made to make our lives count. People are happiest — you are happiest when you’re using the talents God gave you for something greater than yourself that gives your life meaning.

The greatest cause in the world is the Kingdom of God. It is the Church. The whole reason the world exists is so God could build a family that one day will live with Him forever. There is nothing more meaningful and purposeful than giving your life to the Kingdom of God.

When Jesus was 12 years old, He already knew what business He was in. Then, at the end of His life, He told the Father, “I have finished the work that You gave me to do.” Those are the bookends of a life well lived.

What is your business? What is the work God has given you to do? And, how’s business? Those are the fundamental questions you need to be asking about your life.

Don’t waste your life. Ask God to show you the work He wants you to do, and then use your gifts to make the rest of your life the best of your life.

Talk It Over
  • What are the talents God has given you? How are you using them in your work?
  • How do you believe God has uniquely shaped you to do something for His Kingdom?
  • What gives you the greatest happiness in your work?
~ Written by: Rick Warren ~
~ Modified by: Oleg Fabyanchuk ~


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