Tell Others Your Great God Story

“Come and listen … and I will tell you what [God] has done for me.”
 (Psalm 66:16 TEV)

The most effective way to let other people know about the great things that God can do in their lives is to tell them the story of what God has done in your life. That is what makes a difference.

Jesus said in Acts 1:8, “You will be My witnesses, telling people about Me everywhere” (NLT). When I hear the word “witness,” I think of a courtroom. It’s a perfect picture of what God’s asking us to do to make a difference in the world. He doesn’t tell us to be the attorney, arguing the case. He doesn’t tell us to be the judge, judging other people. He wants us to be His witnesses.

What does a witness do? A witness just says, “Here’s what I’ve seen. Here’s what I heard.” A witness just tells other people the story of what God’s done in their life.

Friends don’t keep good news from other friends. You tell them the good news of what God has done in your life so that it can make an eternal difference in their lives.

Are you unsure how to get started? Here’s a simple action step: Write out your story, and share it with your small group. Start sharing with the people that are close to you so you can get some practice. Then, God will give you the opportunity to share your story with someone who needs to hear the Good News.

“Come and listen … and I will tell you what [God] has done for me” (Psalm 66:16 TEV).

Who in your life needs to hear about what God has done for you?

Talk It Over
  • What insecurities do you have about witnessing to other people?
  • How do your fears change or dissipate when you read that you can just share your story with someone to start a conversation about the Gospel?
  • Why do you think it’s important to write down your story?
~ Written by: Rick Warren ~
~ Modified by: Oleg Fabyanchuk ~


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