Three Benefits of Telling Others About Your Dream

When you get your dream from God, you should make it public and announce it to other people. Just by telling other people, you’re making a statement of faith, and other people will want to come along to be a part of it. You visualize the dream first, and then you verbalize the dream by saying, “This is what I believe God wants to do in my life.”

On March 30, 1980, during the first sermon I gave at Saddleback Church, I stood before 60 people and read the Saddleback dream. It included a statement of faith that Saddleback would become a church where the hurting can find acceptance and encouragement, where we would one day welcome 20,000 members into the fellowship of God’s family as we equipped them for effective ministry, where we would send out members by the thousands on mission projects to every continent and start at least one new daughter church a year, and where we would worship and minister on a campus of at least 50 acres.

I was confident in verbalizing these dreams for Saddleback Church, and I knew, in faith, they would become reality. Why? Because they were inspired by God. That doesn’t mean I wasn’t scared to death! But I knew the fear of failure would keep me from doing what God wanted me to do.

Three benefits of telling others about your dream:
  1. It gets you started. Once you’ve announced it, you’re accountable to try and get moving.
  2. It attracts other people’s support. The moment I stated my dream, other people wanted to get in on it. A dream from God will attract people that you don’t even know yet to help you.
  3. It releases God’s power. Because of your faith, you step out of the boat and start walking on water. God will hold you up!
“I reckon my own life to be worth nothing to me; I only want to complete my mission and finish the work that the Lord Jesus gave me to do” (Acts 20:24a GNT).

Talk It Over
  • What fears keep you from sharing with others God’s dream for your life?
  • Who can you share your dream with?
  • How do you need others to encourage you as you discover and pursue God’s dream for your life? Who are the people in your life who will do this for you?
~ Written by: Rick Warren ~
~ Modified by: Oleg Fabyanchuk ~


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